11 Σεπ 2023

Ιατρική ορολογία γιά μη ελληνομαθείς

Greek language lessons

μαθήματα Ελληνικής γλώσσας

Doctor, what means "hyponatremia"?

Low sodium in the blood...like "low sodium diet".

Low sodium? So, why we say "hypo-natremia"?

Yes...."hypo" in Greek means low..."hyper" means "high"

and "Natrio" in Greek means "Sodium"

Also, "hema" in Greek, means "blood"

So "hypo-natre-mia"means "low -Sodium -in blood"

"hyper-natr-emia" means "high-sodium- in blood".

....you know that most basic scientific terms are of Greek origin...and they survided till our days...

Ok...and why we say "Sodium" and not "Natrio" or "Natrium"?

This is a Latin word...and it survided better than Natrio.

Interesting Doctor...thanks for discussion.

No "discussion"...."Dialogue"...Greek word also....You know that words are ideas...

Ideas matter, Doctor.

Yes..."Idea", an ancient Greek word for "meaning"

You seem to be very proud, Doctor, for your Greek cultural inheritance.

Hmmm....not really....you know, there is a problem, in modern Greece: 

we use the words but we lost the ideas.

Ο κλήδονας

  …πως εύρισκαν παλιά οι γυναίκες τον μελλοντικό τους σύζυγο:   ο κλήδονας …πρώτα, διαπίστωσα    μιά δυσκολία των γυναικών στην εξεύρεση του...